Tag Archives: genital

Herpes: Protect Yourself From Genital Herpes

Genital herpes is one of the most contagious diseases. It is a STD- Sexually Transmitted Disease. Any sexual encounter with an affected person can get you genital herpes. Genital herpes flare-ups are quite painful and this disease takes a big toll on the psychology and affects relationships. Let us find out about how to prevent it. Genital Herpes- how does it spread? The herpes virus lies dormant in those who have got it. Suppose you have unprotected sex with somebody who is in dormant state, you may […]

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Herpes Is Not A Death Sentence

Everyday the number of people around the world that find that they have herpes is staggering. Over 50% of the white population, over 70% of the African American population and over 60% of the Japanese population have herpes. What most people don’t know is that it is not a death sentence. OF course people know that they won’t die from herpes but you would think that they were going to die the way that they act. Most average citizens know that there is a genital herpes and […]

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Genital Herpes, Are You Going To Get Infected

Genital Herpes- what is it? Genital Herpes is the herpes infection of genitals. It affects both men and women. It is caused by the HSV type2. The only way to spread this disease is sexual contact. Anybody who has genital herpes may pass it on to the partner without any knowledge. Let us see how? Genital Herpes- silent transmission Let us take an example. Suppose your partner contacted genital herpes from someone during a sexual encounter. The virus entered your partner’s body. The virus will show anytime […]

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Genital Herpes: How Prevalent Is It And What Should You Do

Genital herpes is a topic not readily discussed in the course of normal conversation however, if you’re aged 25 and over, and are sexually active with multiple partners then it would be wise to be tested for genital herpes. A recent study in Australia ( May 2006 ) revealed at least one in eight people people in that country have genital herpes. If that sounds alarming then it should be. A first nation-wide study also found herpes was most prevalent in people aged 35 to 44 and […]

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Genital Herpes Treatment

Genital Herpes- what is it? Genital Herpes is caused by virus type 2 of Herpes Simplex. Virus type 1 produces cold sores of herpes. Genital herpes spreads by sexual contact. Any kind of sexual contact will infect you with genital herpes if your partner is a carrier. Oral sex is equally contagious. Herpes never gets eliminated from the body. The virus will remain for life in your body. Please find out more about the treatment of Genital herpes. Treatment is done only when genital herpes flares up. […]

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